This page introduces my Jack London State Park Photo Essay, featuring 30 images from Jack London State Park, near Glen Ellen, in Sonoma County, California.
![]() You may view these photos as a slide show or an indexed list. There is also a trip map (BIG map, 570K!). Jack London State Park is located at the northern end of the Sonoma Mountains, in the Valley of the Moon, near Glen Ellen. It is a place of beauty, joy, and heartbreak. The inspiring scenery is a splendid backdrop for the achievements and struggles of author Jack London. This park covers a variety of climatic zones and plant communities, with elevations ranging from 600 to nearly 2,000 feet. Here is more information about Jack London State Park. I've taken numerous hikes in and around the park over the years, encompassing much of the eastern side of the Sonoma Mountains. These are shown on the trip map. Other nearby hiking opportunities in the Sonoma Mountains include Fairfield Osborn Preserve and the Friends of Lafferty Park. Photo Notes: The pictures in this photo essay are from a day hike that I took with my daughter, Munchkin, on January 2, 2003. The sky was cloudy on this day, almost but not quite raining. The views were somewhat obscured by cloud cover, but still very nice. The cameras on this trip were my trusty old Samsung 35mm automatic, joined by a new Olympus D-380 digital model. I hope you enjoy the pictures! You may view them as a slide show or an indexed list.
Best Regards, Frank R. Farmer ffarmer Copyright © 2003-2020 Frank R. Farmer - All Rights Reserved |