This page introduces my Hood Mountain Regional Park Photo Essay, featuring 21 images from Hood Mountain Regional Park, near Kenwood and Santa Rosa, in Sonoma County, California.
![]() You may view these photos as a slide show or an indexed list. There is also a trip map (BIG map, 360K!).
Hood Mountain is an impressive peak, that would fit at home in just about any mountain range. It has a commanding view in all directions, and is a worthy destination for the experienced hiker. This park covers a variety of climatic zones and plant communities, with elevations ranging from 1,000 to over 2,700 feet. Here is more information about Hood Mountain Regional Park.
Photo Notes: The pictures in this photo essay are from a day hike that I took with a couple of friends in June, 1988. The sky was cloudy on this day, which meant pleasant, cool hiking in early summer. The downside was that the spectacular views were obscured by cloud cover. The camera on this trip was my trusty Canon 35mm SLR. I hope you enjoy the pictures! You may view them as a slide show or an indexed list. Here are photos from a 2006 hike up Hood Mountain, from the south.
Best Regards, Frank R. Farmer ffarmer Copyright © 2003-2020 Frank R. Farmer - All Rights Reserved |